Saturday, November 15, 2008

Palinology 101

Piper Palin jumping on an animal-skin trampoline in July.
Sarah Palin prepared dinner in the family's Wasilla kitchen while being interviewed by Matt Lauer, who also asked Piper a few questions. The rallies were her favorite part of the campaign, she said.

Piper and Willow on Meghan McCain's charming blog from which she is taking a break.

Piper fixing someone called Piper Baker's hair also from Meghan McCain's blog.

So adorable.

Young Sarah Palin from the Web site PopCrunch, which has collected Palin photos.

From the Web site Grizzly Bay which is very critical of Palin's zeal for hunting.

I just love these Piper Palin videos I found on YouTube. What a cutey!

I know nobody asked me to do it, but I've been monitoring the Sarah Palin videos on YouTube. I think these by the LA-based actress and comedian Lisa Donovan are the funniest spoofs. She apparently has made her name as LisaNova posting amusing videos on YouTube.

Ralph Nader appears in this last one that I've posted. While not as funny as the first two it's quite a curiosity, I think.

Snow queens.

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